Get Flexible!
The goal here is to prevent air from escaping out the top of your mask when you exhale. Many store-bought masks have a flexible nose piece, but if you’re using a homemade mask, you can Macgyver a pipe cleaner or other flexible material over where your mask touches your nose. Just make sure to shape the mask so that it’s tight over the bridge of your nose to reduce airflow out the top of the mask.
Sticky Situation
If molding the mask around your nose isn’t doing the trick, you can take it a step further and use medical or athletic tape to create a seal on the bridge of your nose and cheeks. Everyone’s face is different, but the goal is to prevent airflow from escaping upwards and onto your lenses, so play around a bit to see exactly how long the piece of tape and seal needs to be.
Fit = Function
Make sure your mask fits correctly! You may need to make minor adjustments to the straps to ensure it’s tight enough. The tighter it is, the less chance there is for air to escape up and into your glasses.
Keep ‘em Clean!
While more of a temporary fix, washing your lenses with soapy water can help reduce fogging while wearing a mask. If you let them air dry instead of wiping them dry, the soap will leave a thin residue which will help prevent fogging. Bonus: you’ll have yourself some sparkling clean glasses!
The Quick Fix
It may sound simple, but just moving your glasses down your nose a bit can be a quick temporary fix if you find yourself without the ability to adjust or tape your mask. This will allow air to flow out the top of your glasses rather than circulating around the lenses and fogging them up. A quick fix if you’re in a pinch.