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Biofinity Toric Multifocal - 6 Pack

Biofinity Toric Multifocal - 6 Pack

Regular price $145.99 USD
Regular price $173.99 USD Sale price $145.99 USD
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Product Information

Lens Type: Monthly disposable soft contact lenses

Lenses/Box: 6 lenses immersed in buffered 0.83% saline

Annual Supply: 4 Boxes

Material and % of Content: 52% comfilcon A

Manufacturer: CooperVision

Product Description

You have astigmatism, but your vision has evolved and you now also face the challenge of presbyopia – a condition that can make up-close objects appear blurry. But your new vision challenges don’t mean you have to settle for reading glasses. CooperVision® Biofinity® toric multifocal contact lenses combine proven lens design technologies to keep your vision crisp and clear at every distance, every day. Like all Biofinity® family lenses, they provide 100% of the oxygen your eyes need to help them stay healthy, and give your eyes the natural wettability and comfort needed to keep your life in focus.

  • Optimized Toric Lens Geometry® incorporates special design features to provide predictable orientation and stable fit for consistently clear vision.
  • Balanced Progressive™ Technology provides multiple correction zones in each lens that are tailored to your personal prescription, to help you see clearly at all distances.
  • Aquaform® Technology locks in water – so you can have incredible comfort all day long – and helps your eyes stay clear and white, by delivering the oxygen your eyes need*.
  • All Biofinity contact lenses provide a remarkable balance of comfort, breathability and excellent visual performance.
  • Made to order, with over 200,000 prescription options to fit your specific prescription needs.

Also available in a standard spherical lens, an extended range (XR) sphere, toric for astigmatism and multifocal for presbyopia! Biofinity also offers an Extended Range Toric for those with high powers of astigmatism.

Note: this contact lens is custom manufactured for your prescription. It generally takes about 2 weeks to ship. This manufacturing time is present for all doctors and retailers that sell this particular contact lens brand.

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